Posts Tagged ‘cabo vintage wedding

Christmas Wedding Inspiration

Posted by: stylewedds on: December 21, 2013

Christmas is one of our favorite holiday’s and also the most wonderful time of the year. A perfect time for sayin yes to a long term committment such as marriage. It is not only a jolly time, filled with love and appreciation to be spent with family and friends, but a time for great decor […]

Bridal Shower ideas

Posted by: stylewedds on: December 7, 2013

Your best friend just got engaged, not a surprise there since we are in the 2013 proposing season, and it’s time to let your great-girlfriend features come forth and shine! You might not be thinking of throwing her a bridal shower just yet, but believe us when we tell you that in the event planning […]

A Farm Destination Wedding

Posted by: stylewedds on: November 30, 2013

When most people think of destination weddings, they think of the beach and with good reason. Getting married in a gorgeous beach wedding, with perfect weather, crystal clear waters and white sand is many people’s dream and if its not their dream, most people would not turn down the chance of tying the knot in […]

Proposing this Holiday Season

Posted by: stylewedds on: November 1, 2013

On the eve of Halloween, holiday season 2013 has officially begun! Prime time in marriage proposal season, so don’t be surprised if people you know start getting engaged left and right. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year’s are the four main holiday’s, but if your thinking of something more exotic for your proposal, a Mexican […]

Fact’s & Figures on engagement season ‘13

Posted by: stylewedds on: October 18, 2013

Hey guy’s and gal’s, we are back this week with more on engagement’s and marriage proposals. It is the season for it and it’s prime time for this special life event in Cabo at the moment. For this very reason, we’ve done some research on what’s going on in the engagement world this year. That […]

Going Dutch!

Posted by: stylewedds on: October 12, 2013

Ever heard the phrase “Going Dutch”? Well, it’s something we are hearing more and more often nowadays and a phrase we felt we ought to talk about, especially during engagement season. So what does this term actually mean? As per romantic couples, it means splitting the cost of the future brides engagement ring, the symbol […]

The traditional marriage proposal

Posted by: stylewedds on: October 7, 2013

Although many modern couples nowadays prefer not to partake in the traditional marriage proposal, some still wish to uphold traditions and be classic, even if it’s just a formality. Whether you choose to propose in the traditional way, that is, asking your girlfriends parents for her hand, or in your own non-traditional way, here we […]

Famous Wedding Proposal’s

Posted by: stylewedds on: September 27, 2013

We all know celebrities and/or well known people are more extravagant than the rest of us and can afford to do anything they want, whenever they want (at least most of the time) so why would there marriage proposals be anything but ordinary? Here are a few famous wedding proposals that we think deserve mentioning […]

Engagement ring trends

Posted by: stylewedds on: September 20, 2013

For as long as ive known, engagement rings have always been that unmistakable simple diamond on a platinum or gold setting, the traditional ring you might say, but ever more frequently has the engagement ring trend been about “setting” aside the traditional and coming up with original and bold ring ideas. Bigger and different is […]

Wedding Bouquet’s

Posted by: stylewedds on: August 31, 2013

The brides most important accessory, her wedding bouquet, is the one element where she can give way to her imagination and create her own very special bouquet. The possibilities are endless. Colors, textures, natural flowers, artificial flowers, stones, pearls, ribbons, or whatever the future Mrs. would like to incorporate in her statement bridal accessory, she […]